As the sun returned from the west to the east and left partial darkness behind, I sat on the retaining walls at the back of the house, staring at nowhere in particular.

I had a lot on my mind. The journey of self-growth starts with awareness. However, after the awareness comes a lot of worries. You know you need to do this and that; you know you are not who you were or want to be. In the pursuit of finding myself and making this rebirth journey a successful one, I joined an initiative.

I applied for a mental health and leadership program and got accepted. Luckily for me, I found a community with people who understand my problem and can relate to it.

The Aya Initiative is a program I've psyched my mind up for to help me on this journey of being who I am and winning the battle against myself.

The experience so far has been amazing, and I can't wait for it to get even better. Beautiful, intelligent people who share their time, thoughts, and experiences make you realize you aren't the first to experience this and probably won't be the last.

However, you have the wheels; you get to let the situation drive you into a better person or a bitter person. Aye! It's all in your mind. Whatever you do, you have to be the one to roll that boat. If you ain’t willing, it doesn't happen. You have to either let go of the past or embrace it to get the best of it. Don't let it destroy you.

So.........after awareness comes the moment to decide😊


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