
In the early 2000s, I was born and knew just a woman as my mother but over the years and having understood mother differently, I celebrate the women with empathy and love for me or others. That's why on Mother's Day, I reach out to the ones in my life and to the ones in the world as well and thank them for showing love and being empathetic to us. 

There are many women whose stories I could share and have the world's ears to ground and eyes glued on but today being the first time I do this, let me give it to Caesar since it belongs to Caesar. 

It was on a Thursday in the year 2002, when the families of Aku and Kofi were on their knees, praying to God to do it again like He is being done. They were calling on Him days before that fateful day because this particular pregnancy has a lot of stories and has been through it all. God did hear their prayer and on the 25th of April gave them a girl after their twin boys, who is today sharing their story. 

On the 24th of December 2001, Aunty Aku had an accident on her way to Togo to sell her salted fish, she was by then 5 months pregnant and determined to save her pregnancy and unborn child, but she fell on her knees with her two hands on the floor to support just like a four-legged animal. She indeed saved her child but unfortunately has knee pain to deal with during cold days. 

One of the many things that have stuck with me over the years and ring a bell wherever I go is the story of "the bread".

I was raised in one of the villages along the coast of Keta. My maternal family lives in the neighboring community. There has always been sharing amongst these siblings over the years and it's been amazing. One day, my paternal aunt coming from the city brought us bread. She was on her way to a Funeral in our hometown(Keta) and asked that we meet her for the bread and some other stuff. 

The next day (a Sunday) after the bread was brought, my mum woke me as early as she could and gave me half of the bread to send to my aunty in the other community so they could use it for tea before leaving for church.  I was confused and asked "You received two loaves of bread, you gave half to Daavi Ama, You gave half to Aunty and now you want to give half to Aunty B too? The half won't reach for us or you won't eat the bread too?. She looked at me, smiled, shook her head, and said I should go early before they eat or go to Church. 

When we all came back from Church, my mum called and said this to me 

"I've been praying to God for bread, I told God even if not for my sake, then for the sake of your Children. Help me to be a blessing to your children and those around". God has answered my prayer and I'm fulfilling part of my deal. When God uses your aunt to bring you fruits and other sweets from the market, it's his way of fulfilling His promises through them because I called on Him and He called on them. Whenever you pray to God for something, don't look at how small what He provided is, fulfill your part of the promise.

I've known my mum now for 21 years and all I can say about her is how strong she is, very confident, sometimes I feel the overconfidence leads her into trouble too because she always believes she can, she believes so much in Gratitude and she believes it's better late than never.

To the women whose bosom we find warmth, whose arms we find solace, and whose smile brightens the dark corners of our life I say Happy Mother's Day🙏.

To all my aunties, sister, and late grannies God bless you for all you do. Happy mothers Day Mata❤️


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