Dear Reader, 

When I created this blog account, it was my plan to start writing  or creating posts from 25th April since that's my birthday, the beginning of my rebirth journey and the journey where you would be a witness and see how things change not drastically but gradually. 

I'm Mavis Etornam Doe, a twenty-two-year-old trying to navigate my life and be a better version of myself. I hail from one of the coastal villages in the Volta Region. Growing up as a child, I used to enjoy reading. It was something I did every day and even enjoyed doing than any other thing, however, things changed an

d I began to lose interest in a lot of things, including reading. 

If you check my profile, one of my favorite music is Believer by Imagine Dragons, because the lyrics are my story, it's something I relate to. I used to write from a young age too but it also left when life happened, however, I write again only when I'm in pain and in distress so it became more like an escape or something that helps distract me from my pain.

As I start this blog today, the 3rd of May, I would like to be a better version of me and the best version of me even but you would be the ones to tell me the changes with time as I put in my effort. I would share stories, personal experiences, thoughts, and all things that would make it "edutaining". Some of my posts would be personal reflections and mental health-related.

Come with me as you get a chance to read a diary without hiding from the owner😂 . Here's to a chance to be part of my life and my journey, cheers ka🥂


Thank you.


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