Dear Gentleman,

I wanted to say the brightness of the day has given me this unique opportunity to write y'all this letter but looking at me wrapped in one of my mother's favorites clothes this dawn and shivering like a wet chicken, permit me to say the coldness of this early dawn breeze has pushed me to write y'all this letter. Before you run ahead of me because of "coldness" I want you to also know the matter is not a good one so just hold your smile and stick to my line both literally and figuratively. 

In one of my random thoughts and in finding the answer to the question "Why do men lie?"My inner man, who is so far one of the men who hasn't lied or tried to be who he is not, dragged me to the Garden of Eden, and made me watch from the beginning when the serpent appeared till the end when Adam had to lie to save Eve. It then dawned on me, men lie to protect women. In fact, Adam did, how much more are the sons of Adam? Let me just leave y'all to continue telling lies then, but before I do that, remember Christ died for me and you, so here is why you don't have to continue in pursuit of your nana's legacy. 

For Ghanaian men, I shouldn't blame y'all that much for the lies because the footprint your leaders are leaving for you is more dangerous than what you practicing but hey y'all can attest how the lies are destroying us individually then as a country at large, in this sense you should just learn to tell the truth regardless to save a heart, a soul and a face from those warm tears. Telling lies to protect a woman shouldn't be about who you honestly are or what you do. 

Guys in all your effort to win a woman, y'all tell lies upon lies but I wanna tell you today the lies ain't gonna take you far in there. As far as I'm concerned, Adults should not lie because nobody is gonna beat y'all or crucify you if you say it as it is, yeah? You ain't a child, no one is feeding you so just say it as it is man. *"You wanna hit a woman, bruh say that sh!t as it is, go spit that fact man, if she wanna roll with you she gonna do that, you don't have to tell dem lies just to get some shordy ooooing over you bruv"

Well, some women perhaps love the lies alright, because yeah, those sweet pickup lines from the snake made Eve pick those sweet apples. But if I ain't taking anything from you don't lie to me, I don't feed you and I can't beat you so just be real with me man, if I'm gonna cry, just let me do it for the night so I can wake up to the joy of the morning. 

I know a hustling guy when I see one. I know how hard it is to make money on these streets. Y'all on my list can say for a fact that I've never slid into your DMs to ask y'all for money, it doesn't mean things are soft at my end or I'm from a rich home so you are trying to impress me. Man, my account balance can't even buy you two bags of water but hey we move. If you ain't killing/ robbing/stealing from anyone for the dough, man be proud of that hustle. 

Making money genuinely in this part of the world with taxes hovering over everything your eye sees is hard, and so if you don't have and ain't making it yet, don't let a small girl like me make you tell lies about it. In actual sense, don't let any small girl make you do that, but if you are after the Hajias or the Monas that's on a whole new level so yeah do what you wanna do.Those who genuinely hustle for their money and have a lot on their plates don't go around spraying money at any given opportunity unless, of course, they've made enough. This is not to give a thumbs up to the stingy guys out there because there are kind hustling ones.

So my dear gentleman, be honest to yourself, the hustle, the woman, and to everyone yeah, you ain't a child and no one's gonna beat you for saying it as it is. I pray God to bless every hustle, and lessen every tussle. Cheers to better days. 🥂Ka 




Critical Look said…
Agreed. Not on every level comes a lie.

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