MEN TRY

Before the last cockcrow, I was set, waiting to set off after the last cockcrow before the early morning singing birds took over. I've been in Accra for some time now, and being trapped in early Monday morning traffic is the normal worst thing that could happen to you. 

I got my Accra car at the Atomic Junction and the journey started. My only aim is to beat the rush hour though I know very well, the people I'm going to buy from won't open their stores that early. It was a blissful dawn, the lights on the streets and the headlights of cars were beaming. A beautiful city it is in the dark.

At the time of the sunrise, we were at the Airport area And there I saw a light blue car with the inscription "MEN TRY". It caught my attention and that got me thinking. " "DO MEN TRY"? I asked myself. " Of course they do," my little man whispered. Ikr, Men really try. The driver driving me is a man, the mate is a man too and they are trying. I've seen Men on the streets of Ashaiman hustle and send the larger part of it to their families in the village.

You remember that "ejuma wura"? Who packs all the borla yet comes to you to send the money to his "yere". That should also tell you men to try. My little man whispered again. Well, even my brother, who is allergic to dust had to do the dust work just so we the siblings get a place to work and save for school. Even my very own Efo Kofi(my dad) is a man too. THEY ARE MEN WHO TRY.

"A conversation between my inner man and I"



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