WHEN THE SKIES ARE BLUE

 I honestly don't know, but there's something about nature that attracts me. Growing up in a coastal village, I loved spending time at the beach, and it has been nothing but amazing. Sometimes, I even ditch the town way for a walk on the beach to my grandmother's house or my aunties'.

But I realized later in life it wasn't just the beach. In the early mornings, I always enjoy watching the sunrise and taking photos with a big smile. When there is a unique change in the usual way, I take shots of it. And When the sun and my skin get intimate? There's a new birth of melanin.

I used to shout and talk to the breeze at the beach when I was hurt, hoping the wind would take it far from me. Somedays when things go well, I look at the sky to check if it's brighter, and when things go bad, I look to see if it's dark. 

On rainy days, I record videos of how the greens get moved by the wind and open up to the drops. They get swayed and still bounce back standing. Nature is really beautiful and healing, I can say.

Yesterday, I stepped onto our balcony. I had a good morning and not-too-good afternoon, but there was an attraction. The sky had a unique blending, and I wouldn't let it go. I quickly went to grab my phone and took photos of it.

I humorously told myself if every dark cloud has a silver lining, then every blue sky has a lighter shade of gray. There's a certain serenity when the skies are blue.

the best place

the night view


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