It was a sunny day, and I had just returned from town after running errands for some people for a token. The journey back home was tiring and got me thinking. 

I remember years ago, my aunties and uncles from the city always told us to study very hard and take our education very seriously so we can also grow up, get a good job, and get a better life in the city. We could buy our cars and build our houses, they said. 

Well, I was in my bed thinking perhaps they didn't tell us the full story as they were also hunters then or their way of hunting was just different. Because coming to the city taught us to know people who know people. We should have an ass that could attract a market square or have fair skin as I was told "dark is ugly” and be as beautiful as the goddess of the sea. Again, my aunties didn't say I would've had to do multiple jobs just so I could make a dough that wouldn't even get me a corn dough at the end of the day. 

All this was going through this big head of mine when I heard the flapping wings. I stretched and saw my visitor in black añd white, looking left and right to see if anyone or any food was around, I guess. 
I relaxed my nerves and said, " I heard your song miles away, but I didn't know you were coming to visit me.” It turned its neck to the left and watched me with dark brown eyes and shook its head.

Well, shaking your head means a lot, but as you just in at the time, I have a lot going on, and then I have a lot of questions for you too. But before I even say anything to you, I think you should be thankful my mother is not here, and I'm this welcoming, or what do you say? You know if she was the one that heard your song even in her dreams she would have still run to cover her soap with all the buckets in this world, pursue you even before you come near her home thinking you are carrying bad news or you brought a death message.

"Give me water at least, I travelled miles, and having this courage to even stand on your balcony ledge should send a message," my visitor admonished. 
Ooh ooh ooh, my bad, I was so keen on finding answers that I'd forgotten my basic manners. Here, water to calm your worn-out self from this long tiring journey and help you answer my question, if you need food too, I have some soaps to spare. I said with a smirk😁. 

Knowing the one that raised you, I'm surprised you still have this courage to engage me. The crow said, raising its head to get the water down. I smiled and said, it's only the dead that can't be curious, since I'm alive, I have every right to ask questions and know just like the cat till maybe it leads to my death. 



Critical Look said…
“ I would've had to do multiple jobs just so I could make a dough that wouldn't even get me a corn dough at the end of the day. “
Bars on bars 😂

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