Dear Dr. K

Dear Dr. K,

I've typed and deleted many texts, including one captioned “Hii Laadiiiess,” since “Hi Ladies” reminds me of your beautiful smile. I've been deleting and retyping because I don't know where to end or continue from. You are an amazing human❤️. And let's see if this works.

Growing up, I had a lot of dreams. I remember my sister used to ask me to write where I saw myself in the next five years, starting from that year, and how everything should add up to get there. I used to write them in this blue Cinderella diary that had a lock so no one could access it, but somehow I feel life always had the key.

Over the years, I've given up on many of the dreams I had. Anytime life threw a blow, one dream went down, and it continued until one day I told myself that life and I are probably polar opposites. Anytime things go wrong and we go in the same direction, things turn topsy-turvy. I remember one time after asking why bad things happen to me, my sister said, “Maybe because you want to be a counselor, you have to go through it so you can relate when people talk to you about it.”

Right then and there, I canceled out the counselor dream, though people always say I'm good at helping out through talks and though I've seen it work over time, I gave up on it as well because I can't go through all of that.

But I still have a dream. One of the dreams that has kept me going regardless of the turbulence and hasn't sunk yet is helping people. It's like Jack's drawing of Rose that still remains after many years in the sea. I've been a product of kindness and always believed I need to work hard and help the children in rural areas, starting from where I grew up, like the dreams of my late proprietor.

I have never been part of any of these initiatives because “the enemy within” poses a lot of questions. A lot of questions that have a common theme of “What if” and are based on fear. But in finding an answer to the question “HOW?” I realized I can only bring out something if there's something in me. If I'm not nurtured, how do I nurture?

The importance of allowing myself to be helped regardless of the fears is the only way I can help those kids I dream of every day. When you interviewed me, I told you most of the resources the children in the cities have, we don't have. Yet when we meet at other levels, the same exposure is expected. I only want to get better so I can give.

On our way home after the launch, I told Emmanuella that when I see young ladies and gentlemen who are diasporans coming back to help us and invest in us, it makes my heart leap. I couldn't be any happier for you and for the KGL FOUNDATION CEO Elliot Dadey

Though I didn't give up on that dream, anytime I give up on myself because of the challenges, it means there's no future for it as well. I'm glad I've opened my heart to receive and allowed myself to be nurtured well. Thank you for AKAYA-Aya  .


#Akayachallenge with Edward Asare , Dr Khadija Owusu and Della Adzadi


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